Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Light of The World

Having preached on the light of Christ Sunday, I thought you all would appreciate this blog from a dear friend of mine. His name is Terry Hudson and he is head of Bold Pursuit Inc.

Light My Way
Psa 119:105 Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Back in the days of my teenage years, I learned a valuable lesson about paying attention. One night I drove out of a mall parking lot full speed and forgot to turn on my lights. All of a sudden, without warning, it became very (very) dark. By the time I realized I forgot the lights, I felt a crashing thud.
When I turned on my lights I was sitting in a ditch. Without the cars headlights it was like I was driving in a pitch-black tunnel. Anyone who has gotten up in the middle of the night and walked in their house without shoes has discovered the same thing on a smaller scale. Stubbed toes should have taught us the value of light. What’s funny is our ego in that situation leads us to try to get our eyes adjusted to the dark rather than just turning the light switch on.
The Psalmist stated that God’s Word was a lamp unto his feet and a light unto his path. That same Word became flesh in Jesus Christ and became the light of the world. We are assured that He orders our footsteps and lights our path. Without His light the world seems like a really dark place. It causes us to be paralyzed by fear.
So rather than come out of our comfort zones we become appeased to letting our eyes become adjusted to the dark. One thing I’m learning more and more every day is that Satan will tell us things that work to appease us. Satan is the father of lies. He’s like a politician telling you what you want to hear. However, God’s way is to challenge us. He is the Father of light. He tells us what we need to hear. However, coming out of our comfort zones is part of the challenge.
Our nature is to not like any surprises. We try to scour the dark to look for the obstacles on our own. God’s way is for us to submit to him to order our steps and follow His light. He never said that the path would be so lit that we could see 10 miles in front of our face. It might only be 2 inches in front of our toes.
However, we have to trust Him, to take it step by step and let Him reveal His plan. He is the creator and knows what’s best for us. He has our best interest at heart. Without His light we are guaranteed to settle for less than the abundance He offers. We are guaranteed to grope and stumble in the darkness.
When we forsake all distractions to follow His way then just as He did in Genesis He says…”Let there be light!”

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