Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The story of Deborah is a wonderful story of someone who was committed to the
work that God had placed in her heart. Is God calling you to a rare work? Have you
ever considered doing some thing special for the Lord?

I will give you five chapters of your own story of how God has used you. Pray to
the Lord about this, listen to you heart and start writing.

Chapter One. Control Issues.
For Deborah--leadership was not about being "in charge"

Chapter two---My place in God's Space.
To find meaning and significance in life is one of our strongest impluses

Chapter three---God is on Patrol
We worry too much about outside stuff.
God doesn't care about any of that, He seeks the heart

Chapter Four---The Availability Factor
It's easy to get too busy with life and get disconnected from people and
their needs. When we become disconnected for any reason, we are walking away
from what God desires from us.

Chapter Five---Stop Talking and Start Walking
Deborah had total confidence in God, she did not wonder or worry, she
knew God was in charge, she could not loose.

To help you get going on your story is a prayer, repeat it every day, it will

"Generous God, in your providence you have given us abundant gifts and
abilities. You call us to be bold and generous in our love for you and for our
neighbor. But we have squandered your gifts, burying them, hiding them from
sight. We would rather be safe and comfortable, giving little, serving without
much sacrifice. Change our hearts, O God.

Transform us into disciples willing to embrace the gifts you have given us, to
serve you with gladness, and to love generously, in Jesus name. Amen

It is indeed a wonderful thing when the family of God shares with one another.
Write your own and share it here with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
We'll be waiting to hear from you.

Pastor Paul

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My maiden blogging experience. Technology truly expands our vocabulary. I would suggest that we create some form of a glossary to help those of us born before the computer age.

I had many thoughts running through my mind Sunday after service and continuing through out the day and on into Monday.
I believe God has placed a burden on my heart to encourage, push or pull on the hearts of the faithful. I believe too many times the phrase of choice is "I'm not qualified" or "someone else is much better at this" or something along these lines. Jesus was a teacher to many, they represented a cross section of culture, belief sytems, economics and varying levels of education. But if we take the time to notice he took the time to teach them all using what ever methods necessary. I believe through his example, none of us came claim that we lack the qualifications to do God's bidding.

I am currently reading Traveling Light by Max Lucado. He breaks down the 23rd Psalm into small sentences or even word combinations. The underlying theme is simple. We carry too much baggage and most of this baggage is coupled with fear of failure. My friends we have nothing to fear when living a life for Christ. Max Lucado is an amazing writer who has reached out to 10's of thousands through this gift. My question for myself is "can I share what I've read with someone else?" The answer is yes and quite easily at that. God calls people to serve in the jungle, God calls people to preach from the pulpits. God call us all to share what we've learned and what these lessons have done for us in our daily lives. I have a strong fear of failure, it runs deep iside of me, but in truth if I do nothing or find someone who is more qualified, I have already failed.

"God lead me today, show me a way that I can serve. You have filled my cup to overflowing. Give me the strength to do what you would have me do with out fear. Amen."